Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Ephrastic Fantastic!

Written by Buddy Todd, Programming Assistant for ArtsNow/uLearn
Like sticking your hand into warm rising bread dough, losing yourself in art is easy when you engage several senses at once. Like sweet and salty, beauty and cleverness, or warmth and soft, the more parts of yourself you surrender to an experience, the further you can travel within your own mind. Here’s your chance for a spectacular art experience, called Ekphrastic Ecstatic!: Deep Spaces and poetry by The Floating Mountain Poets.
Deep Spaces, a touring, juried fiber art exhibit is hanging in the ArtsNow Gallery at the Edmonds Conference Center. The pieces have been contributed by artists locally and from as far as Australia. These fiber creations stand out on their own right: the clever use of fabric texture, color dying, and mixed media pattern creates intricate universes of story and emotion.
The Floating Mountain Poets are a Seattle based, eclectic group of writers and creative wordsmiths. They were shown slides of the pieces prior to their arrival to Edmonds. With these colorful and varied pieces, the poets were able to extract themes, emotions, and stories. Using captivating and hypnotic language, they expanded these essences into poetry that were performed as part of Arts Crush and Edmonds Thursday Arts Walk on October 20. Written copies of the poems are displayed by the pieces that inspired them.
The result, called Ekphrastic Ecstatic!, becomes a unique blending of poetry and visual art. This will suspend you and is available to experience from now until December 9, in the ArtsNow Gallery at the Edmonds Conference Center.

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